☾ practices ☽
Keeping Track of It All
As Witches, we value being able to be spontaneous in order to quickly craft a spell by putting together ingredients we just happen to have lying around or writing a mini ritual as part of a devotional practice or to celebrate something unexpected. However, spontaneity will only take you so far. Most of us find it beneficial to keep some sort of record of the rituals we perform and the spells we create. Collecting lists of correspondences, both traditional and modern, gives you a reference when you want to combine them to perform some type of spell. Keeping copies of rituals you have performed or participated in allows you to develop openings, closings, and other chants to use over again when writing. Using the same or similar openings and closings to rituals can enhance your ability to move easily between the worlds of the mundane and the magickal and back again. Being able to create these signals to your brain about what is happening can only improve your ritual experiences. Many Witches call their record a Book of Shadows, which is a term that has come down from early Wiccan traditions implying that it is a book of information from the distant past which is to be kept secret. Others call their book a grimoire which is defined as a record of spellwork of various kinds. We call our personal records the Book of the Seen and the Unseen. The Seen portion is the actual stuff we have written down and the Unseen is what we have learned from using it. Some people believe it should only be written by hand while others, including this writer, keep their records on their computer. I feel it makes it easier to organize and find things, not to mention I can quickly print out a particular section if I need it right now. What you keep in your book can include anything that relates to your own personal practice and spiritual path and how you store it is also up to you. The important thing is to keep track of it all as best you can so that you have a reference source and a way to see your personal growth and development as you walk your path.