☾ sabbats ☽
Spring (aka Vernal) Equinox 2023
Happy Vernal (Spring) Equinox!
The equinox is one of two days throughout the year where there is perfect balance between the energies of the Light and the Dark. On the Vernal (Spring) Equinox the 'Light Half' energy of the year rises above and becomes stronger while the dark nights shorten. After today, the Light energy will begin its real climb to its peak of power at Summer Solstice.
At this moment of perfect balance, we like to think about the concept of balance and how important it is to our daily lives. We are constantly learning (and re-learning) how to walk between the worlds of the magickal and the mundane, striving to reach and maintain our natural balance.
Here's an idea for a little Equinox-inspired practice, if you choose to celebrate:
☽ Become aware of one area of your mundane life that is in good balance right now
Embrace and be grateful for this balance, and for being able to see it in yourself.
☽ Identify another area where things seem to be really out of whack
Acknowledge the growing energy, within and around you, to help restore and heal this imbalance.
We notice that areas of our lives flow in and out of balance on a regular basis, and we explore ways to help identify and restore our balance more naturally as we grow.
☽ It is all about awareness of the flow.
We wish you well!