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Adding Magick to Your Mundane Life
“Why bother to think about adding a bit of magick to my mundane daily life when I already have too much too do as it is?” I can hear people complaining before they even start reading this post. However, by just taking time out to breathe throughout the day by inhaling and exhaling three times with intent (one for body, one for mind, and one for spirit), it can put you in a magickal frame of mind to help you observe times when you can infuse a little magick into your everyday.
Paying attention to the synchronicities that will start showing up if you are practicing ritual and magick regularly is another way to create that frame of mind. So is practicing some moments of mindfulness that you are a magickal person throughout your day. While these may seem very deliberate, they are some of the simplest things you can do. Most of what you are involved with at that point is just thinking, not doing but here are some simple things you can do to use magick for just a little bit each day.
When you take your bath or shower, visualize any negativity, either what you collect just by living or any thoughts or feelings, being washed away and swirling down the drain.
Light a small candle in the morning and set your intent to have a productive day or light one when you first get home in the evening and need a little peace and calmness in your life.
Place a small piece of Hematite next to your computer or on your desk unobtrusively at work; Hematite is a great stone for restoring balance when you feel stressed and having it around is good for you and your environment. Try finding a small patch of green where you can enjoy feeling connected to the Earth at lunchtime.
These are just a few simple suggestions; try coming up with some quick and easy ideas of your own and try them out. You will find the benefits of not only enjoying the magick available to you each day, but by adding it into your life, you create a better balance between the two worlds of the magickal and the mundane.