
The Physical Element of Air

Magickally, Air is associated with new ideas, new beginnings, and any other intellectual pursuits. Air is the only element it is impossible to physically experience as it naturally occurs. Air fuels Fire, stirs Water, and moves across Earth

The Concept of the Liminal

Liminal spaces are the betwixt and between places where the worlds of the magickal and mundane meet and mingle continuously. Within a ritual, we strive to create those liminal spaces to create opportunities for us to step out into something new.

The Four Traditional Elements are Really Five!

The Four Traditional Elements are Really Five! Air is often associated with intellectual pursuits such as making decisions or generating plans. Fire is linked with willpower and passions for pursuing knowledge. Water is known for emotions and learning to go with the flow. Earth is understood to relate to the physical, both ourselves and our planet. Spirit is responsible for generating the actual act of creation itself

Dark Night of the Soul

The Dark Night of the Soul is seen as a period of utter spiritual desolation and disconnection from one’s practices and beliefs. When a Dark Night is happening to you, it often feels like it is never going to end. When you emerge from a Dark Night, you often feel renewed and have a different focus for your spiritual practice!

Visualization Doesn't Have to be Visual!

One of the first practices many witches are taught when learning how to perform magick effectively is the use of visualization. While this is a common concept, it is not easy or accessible to some people. Some may discover that they experience energy through physical sensations and not visually. The whole point is to be able to effectively manage working with various types of energy to increase the power of your spellwork bye directing your intent out into the Universe

Genus Loci

A Genus Loci is a protective “spirit of a place”. Every place in nature or in various urban areas can have a Genus Loci that is part of the fabric of its existence

Ancestors Personal and Spiritual

Ancestor veneration has been part of most spiritual traditions throughout history. Personal ancestors are those who have transmitted various physical and cultural characteristic to us through our DNA. Spiritual ancestors are individuals or groups who have walked the path of Witchcraft from the past into the present day

Growth Necessitates Integration

With growth comes change, which can be difficult to negotiate, especially when there is a surge of development. It is wise to take time to learn to manage the changes in your life. Drawing back in after growth allows you to take stock and integrate changes.

Pros/Cons of Using Electronics in Ritual and Practice

Many Witches believe that any type of electronic device interferes with the energy of their sacred space. There are a number of apps with potential benefits for your practice from plant identification to divination tools to meditation aids. It is up to each individual to decide whether or not to have electronics be part of their ritual practices

Divination Possibilities or Dependence

Divination is the practice of trying to obtain some type of hidden knowledge. It gives us future possibilities, not things that are carved in stone. It is always possible to change the future by making a different choice or doing something different 'now'

Broom Closet

There are many blessings and pitfalls when discussing religion and/or politics with others. It is all about what you are comfortable disclosing and also taking the time to consider the potential reactions you may receive and how you will feel about those as well.

Automatic Writing

Automatic writing can be described as the practice of writing words that originate from a place outside of conscious awareness

October Thinned Veil Moon

On The Path we have worked to come up with Moon names that fit where we live. October is the Thinned Veil Moon because it is the time of year where we are moving closer to Ancestor energies.

To Dare

The second Power of the Magus is associated with the Element of Fire. To Dare for working magick means having the resolve to do what you need to cast a spell but having the willingness to accept the unknown as part of the process.

To Know

The first Power of the Magus is associated with the Element of Air. To Know for working magick means not only do you have to know what to do and how to do it, but be able to clearly state your intent.

Autumnal Equinox

This solar event is one of only two days throughout the year where we experience equal amounts of day and night so it’s a great reminder of the need for balance in our practices and our lives.

September Gathering Moon

The Moons of the year have different names associated with them based on weather, agricultural practices, or culture. On The Path we have worked to come up with Moon names that each relate to where we live. September is the Gathering Moon because this is the time of year where we begin preparing for the Dark Times of Winter.

The Four Powers of the Magus

The Four Powers of the Magus are stated as To Know, To Dare, To Will, and To Keep silent which were first written about in more modern times by Eliphas Levi during the time of Napoleon in France. They are often considered by many Witches as the personal qualities needed to work successfully with magick.

August-The Bread / Grains Moon

The Moons of the year have different names associated with them based on weather, agricultural practices, or culture. We have developed names for each that relate to where we live. August is The Bread /Grains Moon


It is the time of Loafmas where we harvest our projects for the year and dive into an examination of our personal beliefs.

July Heat Moon

On The Path we have worked to come up with Moon names that fit where we live. July is the Heat Moon because it is when we usually experience our warmest days of the year.

Ordinary Days

It is the day to day reminders and small magickal pieces that we create for ourselves that allow us to become more balanced people

June Dragonfly Moon

On The Path we have worked to come up with Moon names that fit where we live. June is the Dragonfly Moon because we seem to be surrounded by them at this time of year.

Small Daily Practices

Adding simple daily practices and using small bits of magick makes managing mundane life easier and helps remind us of the need for balance between the worlds

May Green Moon

On The Path we have worked to come up with Moon names that fit where we live. May is the Green Moon because everything is suddenly green all around us


It is the Times of Beltane when we feel the call of the Earth to come out and dance and celebrate the return of life.

Urban Witchcraft

Although the stereotypical image of a Witch is someone who lives in a country-style cottage surrounded by plants, the reality is many of us live and work in much more urban environments and it’s time to work with what we have.

April Daffodil Moon

On The Path we have worked to come up with Moon names that fit where we live. April is the Daffodil Moon because they are blooming all around us because Spring might finally show up.

March Unexpected Moon

On The Path we have worked to come up with Moon names that fit where we live. March is the Unexpected Moon because we never know from day to day, okay hour to hour, what the weather will be.