☾ sabbats ☽
Autumnal Equinox
Happy Autumnal Equinox!
2YoungCrones are blessed to live in an area where we have the changing seasons to enjoy so it is the first day of Autumn for us even though the weather itself is still buried experiencing the remnants of Summer with pleasant temperatures. In addition, it is one of two days throughout the year where there is perfect balance between the energies of the Light and the Dark. After today, the Dark energy will begin its real climb to its peak of power at Winter Solstice.
Today is a good time to think about the concept of balance and how important it is to learn how to walk between the worlds of the magickal and the mundane without focusing too much on one or the other. What can you plan to learn about during the peak of Darkness when our focus naturally turns to more introspective pursuits? Where are you in balance in your life and practice today and where are things spinning out of control around you?
When we contemplate the ideal of balance, we know that perfection is not achievable because we are human. However, today we are working towards becoming aware sooner when things go sideways. Think about ways you can develop that awareness and what small changes can you make to bring this about. Traditionally, this is the harvest season, a time for taking stock of what you have to survive through the dark times ahead. Now might be a good time to contemplate and count your personal blessings for what you do have in your life and practice. We wish you well!