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Common Tools of the Craft: A Chalice
There are a number of common tools associated with the practice of Witchcraft. Some believe that the only effective ones are those you make yourself while others feel they must be freely given to you; whatever way you choose to collect them, you need to go with your gut as it where and choose something that speaks to you individually. However, no tool is truly necessary for you to practice your Craft; you are the magick. Tools can enhance what you are trying to do just like any other correspondence you may have for a particular purpose.
In the practice of Witchcraft, a Chalice is a cup that is often used as a symbol of the Goddess on the altar; it can be empty or used as a container for a candle or incense. It is most commonly used to hold the liquid libation as part of the Housel (aka Cakes and Ale) portion of ritual. It is considered one of the four Elemental tools of Wiccan traditions as well as a number of other magickal practices. We associate it with the Element of Water which corresponds to emotions and intuition.
Some people feel that they have to run out and purchase a fancy, decorated metallic chalice; however, a wine glass or any other type of cup or glass is perfectly appropriate. A great (and budget friendly) way to have a special cup for ritual is to purchase one wine glass from a dollar store and decorate with shells, ribbons, or beads that you find esthetically pleasing. The important thing is that it needs to be able to hold liquid. It relates to the Suit of Cups in a Tarot deck.