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Common Tools of the Craft: An Athame
There are a number of common tools associated with the practice of Witchcraft. Some believe that the only effective ones are those you make yourself while others feel they must be freely given to you; whatever way you choose to collect them, you need to go with your gut and choose something that speaks to you individually. However, no tool is truly necessary for you to practice your Craft; you are the magick. Tools can enhance what you are trying to do just like any other correspondence you may have for a particular purpose.
In the practice of Witchcraft, an Athame is considered some type of ritual knife that can be used to create Sacred Space for ritual or magick or to direct energy in some fashion such as into an object or out into the Universe. No one is certain of the origins of the word, but it was often mentioned in the writings of Gerald Gardner, the founder of modern Wicca. It is considered one of the four Elemental tools of Wiccan traditions as well as a number of other magickal practices. We associate it with the Element of Air which corresponds to new beginnings and the intellect. There are a number of areas of disagreement about various points concerning this tool which include:
Some feel it must be a double-edged blade while others say this doesn't matter.
Some feel it must have a plain, black handle while others carve various symbols onto it.
Some feel it must never cut anything on the physical plane while others use it to cut through various objects as part of a ritual or when performing spellwork.
It relates to the Suit of Swords (Air) in a Tarot deck or with the Suit of Wands (Fire) depending on which you associate it with. What your blade looks like (if you choose to have one) and what you use it for is always a matter of personal preference just like any other Tool of the Craft.