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Cultivating Gratitude
One of the pieces of self-care is learning not to be stressed by getting caught up in thinking you should have more, be more, do more than some imagined ideal. A great antidote to this type of insanity is working to consciously cultivate what is often called an “attitude of gratitude”. Gratitude can be defined as being appreciative for what the Universe is providing for you right now.
Try this idea out: starting the first thing in the morning, begin keeping a list of all the things you are grateful for. For example, you woke up and you are breathing; this means you are alive and able to participate in your own creation today. Were you able to hear the alarm clock ringing away? Do your lights work when you flick that switch? Is there hot water for your morning shower? Does your coffee maker prepare that first life-saving cup for you? Does the stove or microwave work so you could make breakfast? Is there food to make breakfast with in the first place? How about having a choice of what clothes you wanted to wear today? Do you have a coat that is appropriate for whatever weather you may encounter when you step outside on your way to work or school? You have only just started your day and already you have collected a bunch of things you can be grateful for having.
Continue on throughout your day jotting down gratitude items on your list as you find them and be specific. You can either write them on paper or keep track on your phone and don’t forget to be grateful that you have that phone to use. At the end of your day, take a few minutes and read over your list. Most people find this an eye opening experience when they realize just how much they really do have in their lives right this minute. Try carrying this awareness forward over the next few days or weeks and see how it changes your perspective from “I don’t have (fill in the blank)” to “I am aware of just how many of my needs are fulfilled for me all the time”. You may even come to enjoy losing those feelings of stress that were dogging you as you go through your days as well as being better able to focus on the present moments of your life and enjoy them.