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Dark Night of the Soul
The origin of this term appears to be from a 16th century poem written by a Spanish Carmelite priest, St. John of the Cross (1542-1591 CE) who had a reputation as a mystic. At that time, a mystic was an individual who spent much time in religious contemplation. He described it as agony accompanied by confusion and uncertainty where one doubts the existence of God and personal faith.
The best modern description might be a period of utter spiritual desolation, disconnection, and emptiness in which one feels totally separated from the Divine. There is a void where one feels that nothing is working, nothing is worth doing, and nothing makes sense anymore. Many of us have experienced these feelings during our lives as part of our spiritual growth and development. When they are happening, they feel like they are never going to end; we begin to question whether or not pursuing a spiritual path is even worth our time and effort.
While it is a common experience, it is also unique because no one else can ever know exactly how it is expressed in your life nor can they ever fully explain what it was like for them. The important point to remember is that these feelings will eventually begin to end and you can move on, usually renewed, and with a different focus for your spirituality. Feelings of gratitude afterwards are common when you contemplate that you have the choice about what direction you are moving and that you have the ability to pick and choose various practices, create your own rituals that serve you best, and develop your own beliefs, morals, and values that match how you personally view your own life and the Universe around you.
You have to keep moving forward with faith that this dark night is not a permanent state of affairs and that you will come out the other side; you must have the faith that this dark time leads to greater spiritual growth and development. We can tell you this from experience that this is so, but once again the path of Witchcraft is based on your personal experiences, not anyone else’s.