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Divination Possibilities or Dependence
Merriam Webster defines divination as “the art or practice that seeks to foresee or foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge usually by the interpretation of omens or by the aid of supernatural powers.” As practicing Witches, we use various divinatory tools, such as a Tarot deck or our own Witch Stones, to determine whether we are making good choices about our practice, are on the right path, or to get some ideas about where we might go next.
Divination actually offers future possibilities; in other words, if you continue on the same path, you may end up there. However, the future is malleable because it can be altered by any number of present factors so where you get to may not match where you think you are going to end up. Divination can also remind you that it is possible to change the future by changing your thinking or doing something different in the present.
Used in this way, divination can be a very effective adjunct to your personal practice. On the other hand, there are people who cannot seem to live without consulting a divinatory tool. Every decision has to be second guessed and verified in their own minds with cards or Runes or a pendulum or whatever they choose. It becomes almost an addiction! However, by consulting the tool of their choice, they are actually altering the future because, as stated above, the future is determined by our present choices and actions.
It is fine to use divination on a regular basis, but don’t let yourself be ruled by what the messages it supposedly gives. You always have the choice in the end to make your own future