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Mini Mindfulness Moments
We all have busy mundane lives; whether we work, attend school, take care of families, or any combination of these, it often seems like we don’t have time to focus on our personal spirituality like we want. Sure we can usually make time for a big ritual, like a Full Moon or a Sabbat, but when we started to walk this path, we may have wanted something more than the traditional attend some sort of service once in a while. Also while these major rituals are important and often fulfilling, that “ritual high” isn’t enough to sustain us throughout the day to day grind.
This is where Mini Mindfulness Moments can come into play. Taking a minute or two here and there throughout your day to do something for yourself (yes, you can spare that much time for self-care on a regular basis). It is a way to remind you that magick exists, that you are a Witch, or that lifts you spiritually. We have tried a bunch of different things; some of them have become part of our regular practice and others didn’t work at all.
For example, I light a candle each morning to help me set my intent for the day. Another choice might be just to sit quietly and breath for a minute before you plunge into more responsibilities. The point is to figure out ways to remind yourself daily that you are a Witch who has the right to be spiritual in daily life as well as at important moments.