☾ concepts ☽
To Dare
To Dare is the second cornerstone of the Powers of the Magus phrase. It is often linked with the Element of Fire which makes sense because Fire is associated with courage and the cycles of creation and destruction. It is about having the courage to take a risk by trying something new and moving from knowing how to do a ritual or spell to actually trying it out. It is about working to establish these energetic connections that can enhance your spirituality and to use practices that enhance your life on many different levels.
Courage is knowing that to create something new, something else must be “destroyed” or transformed in the process to make way for what is to come. You have to be able to open yourself up to the Universe and accept that you may not know what is going to happen and give up that sense of control we all seem to need in order to participate not only in effective spellwork, but life itself. Knowing what you need to do based on working with the first cornerstone allows you to develop the ability To Dare.
Daring is not about throwing yourself into the abyss or doing something that can cause harm to yourself or others; it is about taking calculated risks based on your personal growth needs which will constantly change based on your personal practices. Only when you are sure do you move on by stepping to the principle of the third cornerstone, To Will.