☾ concepts ☽
To Know
To Know is the first cornerstone of the Powers of the Magus phrase. It is often linked with the Element of Air which makes sense because Air is associated with new ideas and the intellect. It is about acquiring a knowledge base of things like correspondences and how you connect with energies for ritual and spell work. It is about discovering how magick works and how to craft spells and rituals that are personally effective. It is learning how to take care of yourself and how to gain new perspectives. It is finding out what you choose to believe.
This is the foundation of knowledge which allows you to develop the confidence that magick works and to set a specific intent for any magickal working. You must be able to state positively and with certainty exactly what you are trying to accomplish when you cast a spell. You must know yourself to be sure that what you plan to do is what is most needed for yourself or for any others for whom you might cast spells.
At its most basic, To Know is to be certain about what has to be done. Only when you are sure do you move on by stepping to the principle of the second cornerstone, To Dare.