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Using Incense to Enhance Your Practices
Most of us first encounter incense by burning a stick or cone of some premade scent. Unless you are buying organic incense, it probably contains all kinds of extra chemical ingredients or the smell may be created by adding some type of artificial oil to the mix.
Most Witchcraft incense blends begin by combining one or more ground, powdered, and/or chips of herbal ingredients, i.e., the leaves, flowers, roots, or seeds of a plant, and woods, barks, gums, or resins which are mixed together with intent for some particular purpose. When using herbs, most of us use them as correspondences for a ritual purpose or spellwork. A correspondence can be thought of as a way to represent a concept or emotion because it is not possible to have them be a physical presence around you.
So obviously, one way to use incense to enhance your personal practices is to use it as part of your spellwork. You can use an herb, such as Sage, or several in a blend to bless yourself and your personal spaces both before a ritual or whenever you feel you need to do so. You can use a blend as a devotional offering to deity, the Ancestors, or an Element as part of your practice. You can use a blend to enhance your practice of meditation if this is part of your path.
Incense also smells really good if you purchase or make one that appeals to you, you can just burn it whenever you feel like it. Your sense of smell is most deeply rooted in memory so you can see how finding blends that you connect with can be even more beneficial