☾ sabbats ☽
Vernal (aka Spring) Equinox
Happy Vernal (aka Spring) Equinox! 2YoungCrones are blessed to live in an area where we have the changing seasons to enjoy so it is the first day of Spring for us even though the weather itself is still buried in the Winter experience. In addition, it is one of two days throughout the year where there is perfect balance between the energies of the Light and the Dark. After today, the Light energy will begin its real climb to its peak of power at Summer Solstice. Today is a good time to think about the concept of balance and how important it is to learn how to walk between the worlds of the magickal and the mundane without focusing too much on one or the other.
How can you add some magick to your everyday life? It is easy to focus on important rituals such as Sabbat and Esbat celebrations, but what are you doing the rest of the time to grow spiritually? Take some time for yourself and come up with a list of ideas of simple things you can do to enhance your daily practices. For instance, you could plan to light a candle in the morning to set your intent for the day, learn to appreciate the gifts the Universe gives you as you cook and eat your meals, or sit quietly at the end of the day to reflect on what you have accomplished. Make sure what you plan is something you are actually willing and able to do.
Become aware of one area of your mundane life that is in good balance right now and another area where things seem to be really out of whack. Notice that various areas of your life flow in and out of balance on a regular basis and make some plans on how you can pull yourself back from one extreme or another a little more quickly next time. It is all about awareness of the flow. We wish you well!