☾ sabbats ☽
Winter Solstice (2022)
We are coming up on another Winter Solstice which is actually the first day of Winter on the calendar. Where we live, the leaves are gone from the trees, the weather has been gloomy, and Buffalo which is only 60 miles away has already received a record snowfall. It was all over the news and my granddaughter who attends college there called to bitterly complain about the weather!
We are also approaching the time of the strongest Dark Energy, that point in time just before the shift where the Light Energy will begin to return, imperceptibly at first. For those of us who walk The Path Tradition, it is just a singular moment in time, something to be acknowledged because energy is changing yet again, and we move on. We rejoice in being aware of this change because we have worked to develop our connections with the energies around us and have a quiet celebration because we feel it is a time of deep introspection and when we want to find those ideas that are not yet ready to be shared with others about what we want to learn, how we want our personal spiritual practices to grow, what changes we want to create in our own lives.
It is a time of deep stillness as we sit in the Dark and remember that the Light always returns but so will the Dark come again because that is the cycle of our world. If you want to begin developing connections with this time, you might try sitting in the Dark for a bit and then light just one candle and watch how the flame flickers and gives you just a glimpse of your surroundings. The Light is returning but in a limited way at this time.
Blessed Winter Solstice to All!